Visit to the AGO, Toronto, Ontario:
Kathleen Munn, 1887-1974.
Pierre Bonnard, "Autumn Landscape", 1933, oil on canvas.
Nicolas Poussin, 'Venus, mother of Aeneas, presenting him with arms forged by Vulcan", 1636-37), oil on canvas.
Emile Nolde, "Holiday Guests", 1915, oil on canvas.
Antony Van Dyck, "Michel Le Blon", 1630-1635, oil on canvas.
Rembrant Van Rijn, "Portrait of Lady with a lap dog", 1665, oil on canvas.
Peter Brueghel the younger, "The peasant's wedding", 16??, oil on canvas.
The Jativa Master, "The Cruxifiction", around 1400, oil on canvas.
Crow artist, "Buffalo Robe", about 1850, Buffalo skins.
Gershon Iskowitz, "Spring Reflections", 1963, oil on canvas.
Patterson Ewen, "Cloud over water", 1979,
David Milne, "Across still lake", 1936, oil on canvas.
Pitseolak Ashoona, "In the Summer there were always big mosquitos", 1970, pen & ink on paper.
Unknown Tlinglit artist, "Soul catcher", 1790-1870, carved bone + abelone shell inlay.
Unknown Haida artist, "Soul cather". around 1850, carved bone + abelone shell inlay.
Paul-Emile Borduas, "Beating of wings of Bonaventure", 1954, oil on canvas.
Tom Thompson, "Pink birches", Summer 1915, oil on board.
Tom Thompson, "Northern Lights", Spring 1917, oil on board.
Tom Thompson, "Sand Hill", Fall 1915, oil on board.
Tom Thompson, "The red maple", Algonquin Park 1915, oil on board.
Tom Thompson, "The last snow, Algonquin Park, Spring 1914, oil on board.
Willem de Kooning, "Painting", 1949, oil on canvas.
Lee Krasner, "Untitled", 1949, oil on canvas.
Robert Motherwell, "The voyage", (1949), oil on canvas.
"Do you know what the real subject is? Freedom."
- Willem De Kooning to Phillip Guston.
Joan Mitchell, "Ladybug", 19??, oil on canvas.
Phillip Guston, "Painting", 1954, oil on canvas.
Phillip Guston, "The clock", 1956-57, oil on canvas.
Phillip Guston, "Edge of Town", 1969, oil on canvas.
Phillip Guston, "North", 1961-63, oil on canvas.
Phillip Guston, "Inhabitor", 1963, oil on canvas.